In 1979 jimmy carter in a forward looking move installed solar panels in the roof of the white house.
Ronald reagan solar panels white house.
Solar panels will be installed on the white house roof a quarter of a century after they were removed by ronald reagan the obama administration said today.
The average solar panel from the era produces approximately 1 05 kwh of energy every day.
In 1991 unity college an environmentally centered college in maine acquired the panels and later installed them on their cafeteria.
Regan felt that the equipment was just a joke and he had it taken down the panels were removed in 1986 when work was being done on the white house roof below the panels.
In 1986 when the price of energy was temporarily cheaper and americans minds were less focused on environmental issues president reagan ordered the panels removed from the white house roof.
Reagan saw the solar panels installed by carter for what they were a public relations stunt and ordered them dismantled.
In 1986 ronald reagan removed the solar panels installed by jimmy carter from the white house.
But in a curious parallel with the current occupant of the white house the panels weren t actually removed until 1986 five years after reagan took office.
On june 20 1979 the carter administration installed 32 panels designed to harvest the sun s rays and use them to heat water.
The white house itself once harvested the power of the sun.
365 days a year 24 year that s 294 336 kwh of dirty energy bought and burned because of one bad decision by ronald reagan.
Reagan was quoted as saying the panels were unsightly and unnecessary.
Reagan who didn t think much of solar energy also allowed the tax credit carter had instated to lapse.
George charles szego the engineer who persuaded carter to install the solar panels reportedly claimed that reagan s chief of staff donald t.
Multiply by reagan s 32 solar panels and you get 33 6 kwh of clean energy every day for free.