The salvaged hammer is the best tool for quickly melee raiding the sheet metal door taking only 28 minutes 10 seconds and 24 salvaged hammers.
Rust sheet metal door raiding.
This is the least recommended raid base that i ll provide in this guide.
Cheaper way to raid sheet metal doors would be.
The satchel charge becomes armed when placed has a random time until detonation and has a small chance to malfunction requiring the user to pick up and rearm.
Unreliable raiding tool that can be used to destroy player made buildings for the purpose of entering other players bases and looting them.
Essentially an upgraded rock the salvaged hammer is capable of gathering just about anything but is not as good as an axe or pickaxe for gathering their respective resources.
They are invulnerable to fire damage strong against hatchets but weaker against heavy impacts like explosives rocks maces and clubs compared to other items and building parts.
Sheet metal doors share the same hitpoints and defense bonuses as the double sheet metal door and ladder hatch.
A high velocity arrow fired from a crossbow is capable of penetrating through structures of any building tier except for stone.
The original raiding tool c4 is a powerful explosive that you can stick to any surface especially useful for going through doors quickly especially if you are being counter raided or raiding online to deal massive damage.
This base has no airlock but is very cheap and does it s job.
How much raid costs rust raid costs quick sheet.
The definitive and updated quick sheet that shows all main raiding tools and it s effectiveness.
3 satchels and 3 beancans or 2 beancans 1 rocket and 1 damage worth of melee swings you d want to do the swings first in case there s a trap just behind the door.
This allows someone to.
4 floors 4 foundations 2 shelves 8 walls 2 doorways 1 frame 4 large boxes 1 tool cupboard 1 double sheet door 2 sheet doors and 3 code locks.