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Secondary dischareg roof drain.
Secondary emergency roof drains or scuppers are required according to ipc to prevent a rainwater build up.
Overflow drains shall be the same size as the roof drains with the inlet flow line two inches above the low point of the roof and shall be installed independent from the roof drains.
Once the required rainfall data has been determined the primary and secondary roof drainage system must be sized in accordance with.
In either case the discharge shall be located so that it is readily visible by building occupants.
Otherwise the system will not adhere to the above referenced principle.
Secondary or emergency roof drainage is required wherever the buildup of water is detrimental to the roof structure.
P 1503 4 1 secondary emergency overflow drains or scuppers.
When installing a secondary roof drainage system a licensed plumber must adhere to the following provisions issued by the board.
Secondary emergency roof drains or scuppers shall be provided where the roof perimeter construction extends above the roof in such a manner that water will be entrapped if the primary drains allow buildup for any reason.
Roof drains from zurn include combination primary overflow control flow dual outlet siphonic retrofit and more which cater from educational to commercial needs.
Secondary emergency roof drain systems shall be sized in accordance with section 1106 based on the rainfall rate for which the primary system is sized.
Design and installation of roof drainage systems shall comply with section 1503 of this code and sections 1106 and 1108 as applicable of the international plumbing code.
Scuppers shall be sized to prevent the depth of ponding water from exceeding that for which the roof was designed as determined by section 1101 7 scuppers shall have an opening dimension of not less than 4 inches 102 mm.
Secondary drainage shall be provided through the use of sidewall scuppers or internal roof drains.
Products building drainage roof drains combination primary overflow z164 z164 12 diameter combination main roof and overflow drain with low silhouette domes and double top set deck plate the zurn z164 12 diameter roof drain and overflow drain dura coated cast iron bodies with combination membrane flashing clamp gravel guards double top.
The drainage system shall incorporate adequate cleanouts placed in a manner that the drainage system may be readily cleaned.
P 1503 4 roof drainage.