The kids spy on homer climbing to the attic feeding fish heads to something.
Simpsons barts twin in attic.
In on of the simpsons halloween specials bart s evil twin lives in the attic.
Treehouse of horror vii is the first episode of the simpsons eighth season.
The next morning after they mention this to their parents marge reminds homer to feed the thing.
Bart lisa and maggie discovered hugo after they heard strange sounds coming from the attic and after homer spilled the beans about there being four simpson.
However later when bart and lisa and maggie get up there they see it just escaping from the chains.
Since then he has yet to make another appearance.
In the seventh annual treehouse of horror episode bart discovers his long lost twin lisa grows a colony of small beings and kang and kodos impersonate bill clinton and bob dole in order to win the 1996 presidential election.
Bart discovers his siamese twin in the attic.
It originally aired on the fox network in the united states on october 27 1996.
The two were separated at birth but it was discovered that hugo was too evil to live in society so the simpsons kept him chained in the attic where homer fed him a bucket of fish heads once a week.
In a parody of the hunchback of notre dame and basket case bart lisa and maggie begin to hear strange noises coming from the attic one night.
The simpsons family tree they forgot to add bart s twin from the attic in the treehouse of horror episode the simpsons simpsons quotes simpsons characters family tree worksheet los simsons family quiz homer and marge vintage cartoon pin up cartoons.
Hugo simpson ii born april 1 1979 is a non canon character and bart s conjoined twin in treehouse of horror vii.
Shortly after their birth they were separated by dr.
However one night after bart and lisa get suspicious bart is lying in bed and something in the vents is looking at him obviously the twin.
With dan castellaneta julie kavner nancy cartwright yeardley smith.
He explains that bart has a twin brother named hugo.
Bart lisa and maggie discovered hugo after they heard strange sounds coming from the attic and after homer spilled the beans about there being four simpson children as the evil twin hugo had been confined to living in the attic of the simpson home and once a week was given a bucket of fish heads to eat because he was the evil one.
Directed by mike b.
The thing and i title card.